Grey Rock Trump

Shannon Leigh
2 min readOct 31, 2020

Note to myself during early quarantine time, May 14 2020:

“The rallies are shut down. The press conferences have bombed since he suggested internal uses for cleaning products. The rose garden CEO advertising events have not resulted in generous donations. Smart female journalists have called him out. Twitter rants are all that’s left.”

“He needs the attention. He needs adulation or criticism. He needs the crowd’s response- positive or negative. He is a vampire of emotions who cannot self-regulate. Boredom is the one thing he avoids. It terrifies him. He fears becoming boring and irrelevant.”

“We have been hooked into his emotional playback, riding the waves of his self-perpetuated ups and downs. Every outrageous things he’s said or done is so that he can take up free rent in our brains. It’s time to evict the slumlord! We have a pandemic to survive!”

“Since he was placed in office every day has been opposites day. He lies like he breathes. He surrounds himself with sycophants and opportunists. He has destroyed the institutions we have relied on for health and information. We have become his marionettes for his entertainment.”

“When he is at his most outrageous and vocal, don’t take the bait. He is performing slight of hand. Look for what he is hiding. Don’t fall for the distraction. Ignore him. Listen to the truth-tellers. Pay attention to the “nasty” questions he doesn’t want to answer.”

“We don’t the energy or the resources right now to deal with a grown toddler. He’s not funny, amusing or outrageous. He’s a threat to our health and our well-being. But to be honest, he bores me. He’s a one trick pony & I’ve seen this show on repeat for nearly four years.”

“I’m not recommending apathy. I’m just reminding you (and myself) to not expend energy promoting the spectacle or reliving the trauma. Learn to self-regulate. Develop self-leadership. Hone your survival skills. Find the truth and pursue it.”

“Grey Rock Trump!”



Shannon Leigh

Keeping an eye on the strategies of the far right. @Sunny_in_MN on mastodon & Twitter.